Welcome to the new Cleveland Central Band Program Webpage!
Check out our tabs to get the info you need!
Cleveland Central Band Program Virtual Christmas Concert 2020
The Band program has been working hard this first semester across 7 campuses to start beginning students in grades 5, 6, and 7. Having fought many battles such as lack of resources, inconsistent rehearsal spaces, technology fails and students being out for weeks at a time, we wanted to be able to showcase what our students have been doing. You can also find the link on the Cleveland Central High School band Facebook Page.
For questions concerning your student or a band expectation, please contact the band directors. We will make ourselves available to hear your concerns either by phone or in person.
Remind101 Free App or Texting service:
Please see the appropriate grade for your class code. (This is the most efficient way to stay in touch.)
Band Office Phone:
662-545-4393 (We have voicemail.)
Katie Hugley
Director of Bands
Kelli Wallace
Assistant Director
Marcus Lewis
Assistant Director
Fulton Cherry
Assistant Director