Varsity Tutors
Accessing Varsity Tutors For Schools
S T E P 1 :Students will Sign in to Clever.
- Sign in to your Clever dashboard
- Click the Varsity Tutors application
S T E P 2 : G e t t i n g t o y o u r s e s s i o n
- You will be automatically directed to your tutoring session from the Clever app.
- Click the arrow to meet your tutor in the Live Learning Platform.
- If you are not immediately directed to your session, select Schedule from the tutoringdrop down menu then choose the session you want to join.
S t e p 3 : L i v e L e a r n i n g P l a t f o r m
- Your tutor will be waiting for you in the virtual classroom.
- You will be able to see and talk to your tutor on the left hand side while working in the whiteboard together.
- Your tutor will guide you through problems, share examples and help you within the collaborative whiteboard for an interactive learning experience.